United Kingdom
In a joint team with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Economic Statistic Centre of Excellence (ESCoE),
we are developing the largest ever survey of UK management capabilities and expectations.
- project website link
Survey, policy and technical papers:
Survey, policy and technical papers:
1. Management practices and productivity in British production and services industries - initial results from the Management and Expectations Survey: 2016
- with Gaganan Awano, Nicholas Bloom, Ted Dolby, Paul Mizen, Rebecca Riley, John Van Reenen, Jenny Vyas and Philip Wales
- Survey: ONS release, April 2018
2. A firm-level perspective on micro- and macro-level uncertainty An analysis of business expectations and uncertainty from the UK Management and Expectations Survey
Policy and public engagement:
1. Business productivity review: goverment call for evidence, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy - link
Public outreach activities:
1. Royal Economic Society Conference 2018 - link
2. ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2018 - link
- with Gaganan Awano, Nicholas Bloom, Ted Dolby, Paul Mizen, Rebecca Riley, John Van Reenen, Jenny Vyas and Philip Wales
- ESCoE Discussion Paper 2018-10, July 2018
Policy and public engagement:
1. Business productivity review: goverment call for evidence, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy - link
- Joint ESCoE-ONS submission for the Business Productivity Review, July 2018
- reflected by the joint HMT and BEIS Business Productivity Review and the announcement made by the Chancellor, October 2018
Public outreach activities:
1. Royal Economic Society Conference 2018 - link
- presentation by Tatsuro Senga - "The UK Management and Expectations Survey: First Results," discussed by Johanna Cowan (HM Treasury)
- ESCoE-ONS Special Session: Economic Statistics for Times of Transition, March 2018
2. ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2018 - link
- plenary by Nicholas Bloom - "Measuring business expectations and uncertainty after Brexit – A tale of two surveys" - link
- presentation by Philip Wales - "Management practices and productivity in Great Britain: First results from the Management and Expectations Survey" - link
- May 2018
At the Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI), our projects run the unique business-level expectations survey to better measure uncertainty faced by Japanese businesses and disseminate new knowledge and offer evidence relevant for Japan's economic and industrial policy.
- project website link
Supported by the Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office (ESRI), we also conduct a quantitative research on business investment, financing activities, and the aggregate implications for the Japanese economy.
- project website link
Survey, policy and technical papers:
1. Policy Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from the China-Japan islands dispute
- with Cheng Chen, Chang Sun, and Hongyong Zhang, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-E-090, September 2016
- featured in the Nikkei
2. Firm Dynamics, Misallocation, and Targeted Policies
- with In Hwan Jo, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 17-E-017, March 2017
- published as "Aggregate Consequences of Credit Subsidy Policies: Firm Dynamics and MIsallocation, Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2019
3. The Dynamics of Interfirm Networks and Firm Growth
- with Daisuke Fujii and Yukiko Saito, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 17-E-110, August 2017
- featured in our article in VoxEU
- used in 2018 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan (Chapter 1-2)
4. Uncertainty, Imperfect Information, and Learning in the International Market
- with Cheng Chen, Chang Sun, and Hongyong Zhang, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 18-E-010, March 2018
5. Expectation Formation and Firm Activities: New evidence from a business outlook survey in Japan
- with Cheng Chen, Chang Sun, and Hongyong Zhang, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 18-E-059, September 2018
6. Uncertainty and Cash Holding: Theory and Firm-level Evidence
- with Aubhik Khan, Economic Analysis, March 2019
Policy and media engagement:
1. Rising Policy Uncertainty in the United States and the United Kingdom: Japanese companies may hold back on direct investment, Nikkei, March 2017 (available in English here and Japanese here)
2. The dynamics of inter-firm networks and firm growth, VoxEU, February 2018 - link
3. Can Corporate Behavior Be Changed? Companies remain cautious amid strong concerns over the future (in Japanese)?, Nikkei, March 2018 (available in English here and Japanese here)
Public outreach activities:
1. ESRI International Conference 2017/2018 - link
- plenary by Aubhik Khan - "Firm Heterogeneity, Credit Shocks and Business Cycles" - link
- presentation by Tatsuro Senga - "Uncertainty, Investment and Cash Holding: Theory and Firm-level Evidence" - link
- January 2018
2. RIETI International Workshop: Uncertainty, Trade and Firms - link
- April 2018
3. ESRI International Conference 2018/2019
- presentation by Tatsuro Senga - "Uncertainty, Investment and Cash Holding: Theory and Firm-level Evidence" - link
- October 2018